Monday Motivation
You have a great life in front of you but your great life is in front of you, it's not behind you. What you did back there has got nothing to do with what God's got for you. What you did back there is learn the lessons to get you to where you are at this particular moment.
Do you know that you can actually mess your life completely up? You can jack it all the way up and you can turn it all around and get it right. Do you understand that you could have had a baby out of wedlock and still be alright, do you know that you can be divorced multiple times and still be okay? Do you know that you may not have a degree and still be just fine. Do you want to know how I know? Cause I am telling you what I know. I lost everything twice. I don't know if you have ever lost everything before but I have been bottom down, twice. I don't seem rock bottom two times but I have been through some walls in here.
I'm just trying to tell you, God is really with you. You don't have to believe me but keep doing it without God and let me know how far it works for you. Matter of fact, write a book on how to make it without God cause I want to read it. I want to read the first page and I want to read the last page cause there isn't going to be between.
You can jack your life all the way up, God is in the forgiving business. You can make all the mistakes you want to make or think you should make, God is in the get it together business. If you got dreams and visions I got news for you, God is in the make your dreams come true business. He's done it for me, I'm not going to do it for you.
A lot of you are better than me. Most of you have not done what I had to do to get to where I am today, you just didn't have to do this type of dirt. You haven't been homeless, you haven't had to scrap like me. You are not old as me. I have overcome it all because I have relationship with Him and most of you can listen to me and tell that I am not a perfect person, I am not a perfect Christian, I have my flaws. I am a flawed human being but guess what? You are too. You don't have it all together. I make a lot of money but guess what? I don't have it all together, I'm hurting. Everybody is tripping through something. You are going through something but if you have God you are going to make it.
All of you want to be successful, you want to be happy but let me tell you there's a short cut to getting there, the short cut to getting there as to relationship with God. If you try it without him, you are going to fail miserably, you are going to sink, it is going to be ugly for you.
Now this is what you're going to do. Identify your gift and get busy with it. God gave all of you a gift, identify your gift. It is the thing you do at the absolute best with the least amount of effort, get busy at that. If it's drawing, if it's teaching, if it's sharing, if it's care giving, He put that gift inside of you, He didn't hide it under a rock or under a mountain, He put the gift in you.
You can look at me any kind of way you want to, what I'm just telling you is real. That's how you become successful, Identify your God given gift, what he gave you at birth. If you do that, God will open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. I am telling you, that is a fact.
#Steve Harvey
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